We generally suggest that new students without physical strength begin their practice with a gentle or gentle flow classes. They offer MANY of these! This will help you to learn the shape of the poses and the language of yoga, as well as giving you a chance to gauge your desire to move on to a more challenging class. Those that have good physical strength can start with the Slow Flow or Yoga Hours. Please ask ahead of time if you would like more specific guidance.
Make sure to wear comfortable clothing that allow you to move easily. It is ok to take a break during the practice. Depending on the class series and what you are experiencing, you can always return to child’s pose for a rest or even for the remainder fo the class. If you get overwhelmed or confused by the poses, don’t worry! It’s fine to take a break or watch for a moment until you get a feel for the rhythm of the practice. If you have a question, by all means ask, but please try to wait until after class! Teachers are happy to guide their students outside of the practice.
At Holy Cow Yoga Center many workshops and events are held. See event Calendar HERE.