Beginning at Burke High School on Fishburne Street and moving out promptly at 2pm: East on Fishburne Street to Ashley Ave, North on Ashley Avenue to Sumter Street, East on Sumter to King Street, South on King Street to Calhoun Street, East on Calhoun Street to Concord Street, North on Concord Street to disband. Vehicles can exit toward Charlotte Street Following the end of parade, Concord Street will be closed to facilitate 160th Emancipation activities at Gadsdenboro Park, the breakdown and release of parade participants. To ensure pedestrian, vehicular, and equipment safety, as well as emergency vehicle access during the parade, vehicles turn left north on Concord Street at aquarium to allow passenger vehicles to unload and walk back to park at Gadsdenboro Park in front of IAAM on Sunday, January 1, 2023 from 1pm to 6pm. Vehicles can exit west to Charlotte Street to East Bay Street.